Scottish Borders Council
One of the largest flood protection schemes carried out in Scotland.
A state-of-the-art flood protection system to protect over 900 commercial and residential properties against 1 in 75-year flood events with the minimum disruption to local residents, businesses, the environment and wildlife.
flood protection
Works included 6km of sheet piled and reinforced concrete flood defence walls and embankments, as well as various culvert upgrades and diversions.
We also installed eight surface water pumping stations and a new WwTW pumping station for Scottish Water.
Additionally three footbridges were also replaced, and a full upgrade was carried out on a section of the A7 trunk road which runs through the town centre.
Finally 7km of a new active travel network was also constructed with associated landscaping.
Many sections of the scheme had to be constructed underwater as the sections couldn’t be pumped dry. This required a special underwater admixture in the designed concrete mix allowing it to be placed under water.
The River Teviot also lies within the Tweed Special Area of Conservation. Accordingly, we took extreme care to mitigate river bed disturbance and silt release during our construction works.
commercial and residential properties protected
km flood defence walls and embankments
different work sections
km new active travel network