We have reached a significant milestone at our Ayrshire Hospice Capital Build project. Topping out was achieved on-site last week with the completion of the steel superstructure.
With the final steel beam bolted into place, we can now begin work on the external walls and roof of the brand-new facility.
The ambitious multi-million-pound project will see the traditional home of the hospice at Racecourse Road in Ayr be redeveloped.
The project includes the demolition and refurbishment of some of the existing buildings. As well as the construction of new extensions forming a state-of-the-art new build In-Patient Unit (IPU) and a modern Hub building providing connectivity through the ‘heart of the Hospice’.
The Hub, located at the main entrance, will function as the social heart of the hospice hosting a series of public and user friendly functional areas such as the entrance lobby and reception. As well as a small Hospice shop, and a café with public access and opening onto the new courtyard.
Before works began, the existing facilities were vacated whereby enabling the demolition and new construction works to progress without any adverse impact on the Hospice patients and staff.
Topping out marks an exciting milestone on the journey towards completion of our beautiful new hospice. It is fantastic to see the new facilities really take shape and to visualise how great they will look, it will be an inspiring building to work within.
Tracy Flynn
Hospice Chief Executive
This milestone in the building project is hugely important as we are now able to move on with the building envelope works which will ultimately make the building weather-tight – another step closer to returning the hospice to Racecourse Road in Ayr.
Julia Connelly
Hospice Capital Project Build Manager
I was delighted to join colleagues from the Hospice and our construction partner McLaughlin & Harvey for the topping out ceremony for our exciting Capital Build Project. This moment marks a significant milestone for the project with completion of the steelwork and installation of the roof structure. As we move into the next phase of construction, I am excited at the prospect of seeing staff, patients, and visitors back to our new state-of-the-art home at Racecourse Road in winter 2024.
Andrew Baillie
Hospice Board Member and Chair of the Capital Project Governance Committee
We are delighted to have reached this significant milestone at our Ayrshire Hospice site and the completion of the structural steel frame. In the coming weeks, we will be undertaking works associated with the building façade and roof, as well as continuing with external groundworks.
John McClintock
Operations Director at McLaughlin & Harvey
We are delivering this project as part of the Frameworks Scotland 3 (FS3); a framework managed by Health Facilities Scotland, a service under NHS National Services Scotland.