Last week, we marked the start of the construction works on the expansion of Oxfordshire Advanced Skills building (OAS).
We also marked the launch of UKAEA’s new apprenticeship programmes in space, robotics, data science, energy storage, power engineering and cyber security.
The training centre’s extension at Culham Science Centre is funded by the Fusion Foundations Programme. This is a government initiative to enable the delivery of fusion. Which has great potential to provide sustainable energy through the development of infrastructure, facilities, and skills in the UK.
We attended the ceremony alongside OAS apprentices, who represent a total population of around 175 current learners employed by manufacturing companies across industries. They were joined by representatives from UKAEA, and training provider MTC Training. OxLEP also attended the ceremony and has awarded OAS a grant to fund specialist equipment.
The three-year-old facility will be extended by 2,355 sqm and ready to receive its first cohort from September 2023, creating career-making opportunities for an additional 90 apprentices.
Works include an extension to the current OAS facility comprising of a two-storey flat roof steel frame building including six classrooms, a workshop, a laboratory, meeting rooms, canteen and breakout spaces.
This project is a demonstration of our ability to run concurrent projects for the Client across multiple sites on the one campus. Simultaneously with this project, we are also delivering the Office and Main Gate projects.
To ensure smooth progression of the concurrent works, we attend weekly coordination meetings. Maintaining the operations of the live campus is one of the most important elements of the project.
The second scheme awarded to us through the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Framework Construction Works & Associated Services.
Since opening in 2019, our apprentice intakes have already doubled in size. The extension will help OAS to increase our impact even further by supporting more people and businesses with future skills.
Emma Johnstone
MTC Training’s Operations Manager at OAS
We are delighted to be continuing to work with UKAEA at Culham Science Centre. Groundworks are progressing well, with structural steel erection commencing later this month as planned which will enable speedy installation of precast and composite flooring elements thereafter.
Gerard Donnelly
Senior Project Manager at McLaughlin & Harvey