Homes England
Construction of a 1km single-carriage spine road.
Through a mixture of farmland and historical hospital estate to open the land for the future development of over 800 houses in Morpeth.
Works also included the creation of cycle ways, pathways, traffic calming measures and associated soft landscaping works.
The project reused approximately 30,000m3 of material on site, by using lime and cement mixtures to achieve works specification as required.
We also installed extensive utilities along the road corridor to service future housing developments including 4000m of BT ducts, 1000m of watermain, 700m gas main, 4000m of 20KV HV cables, construction of 2 new HV substations, in addition to street lighting and a new foul rising main.
Ground conditions were challenging with areas of clay overlying running sands. The new storm and foul drainage was installed up to 6.5m deep in areas of the site, requiring safe methods of working using a drag box system. These conditions were not helped by the wet weather climate of Northumberland.