Stena Line
58 weeks
Employers Representative
Hobart Heron / RPS
Construction of a new Stena Line terminal and port facility at Loch Ryan.
The port facility involved the construction of 1.5km of rock revetment, dredging of approximately 475,000m3 of material, reclamation, flexible bituminous pavement, internal heavy-duty roads, marshalling area, car parking, block paving lorry parking.
As well as the design & construction of a 240m x 18 m suspended jetty, and the installation of a new linkspan with an auto-mooring system.
We also completed realignment works to the existing A77 trunk road as part of our works, which included the construction of an A-grade roundabout, footpaths, cycleways, and a bus layby.
Works also included the construction of a 21,528 sqft three-storey terminal building with a mezzanine floor, as well as satellite buildings including a security building, workshop, check-in booths, pump house, car and coach search building, sewage treatment plant, and offices. A 200m overhead steel walkway was also installed.