Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
64 weeks
Keppie Design
State-of-the-art centre to support the work of Scotland’s firefighters.
The delivery of a new state-of-the-art Cambuslang West Asset Resource Centre (ARC) for the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS). Constructed within the SFRS national headquarters and training centre complex, which sits adjacent to Clydesmill Community Fire Station in Cambuslang on the outskirts of Glasgow, this new facility will provide a centre to service the fleet and emergency vehicles alongside office, storage, and staff welfare facilities.
The modern fit-for-purpose workshops and store facility aim to increase fire service delivery efficiency. The office and welfare facilities are designed and built to inspire staff and visitors alike, providing SFRS with a new workplace befitting their pivotal role in our society.
The ARC will provide fire and rescue staff working across maintenance, fleet, stores, ICT and property with a modern facility combined with the latest tools and equipment.
The ARC is a large industrial building with corrugated black wall cladding and a standing seam roof. Vehicle doors feature on two sides of the building in a bright red colour, immediately indicating that the building is used by SFRS.
The building is split into two zones. The west side of the building is split into two storeys comprising a reception, offices, meeting rooms, stores, staff welfare and a canteen area. The east side is home to the vehicle maintenance workshop. The workshop provides a total of 16 vehicle service bays, with a change in roof height towards the east side of the building enabling the internal height to increase from 7.5m up to 10m above six of the bays, which allows for the servicing of the very largest vehicles within the fleet.
The project won a 2023 CCS Leading Lights Award for Community Engagement.
Centre for
Placements, Apprentices and Trainees
local jobs sustained or created
percentage of project spend within 20 miles of site
percentage of labour within 20 miles of site
There’s no doubt the opening of this facility is a milestone moment for the whole of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The Cambuslang ARC represents a significant investment made by the SFRS towards providing its staff and communities with the kind of services they expect. Our support staff colleagues enable us to achieve our core function of protecting the people of Scotland each and every day, so I am delighted that this facility presents them with the kind of environment and workplace that their hard work and commitment merits.